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Startup Financing: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

  • 07/2023
  • #General

Every entrepreneur knows that fueling a startup’s growth requires capital. However, securing that capital is often one of the biggest challenges faced by startup founders.

This article aims to shed light on the different types of funding options for startups, and how crucial tools like a pitch deck and a financial model can play a role in securing those funds.

Bootstrapping and Friends & Family

In the early stages, most startups turn to bootstrapping or friends and family round. Bootstrapping means funding your startup from personal savings or revenue from the business, while the latter implies borrowing money from personal connections. In either case, showcasing a solid pitch deck and financial model is crucial. It demonstrates your seriousness and professionalism, even when you are approaching informal sources. Your pitch deck should effectively convey your business idea, while the financial model should clearly outline your financial needs, projected revenues and break-even point.

Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists

As your startup grows, you may need to seek funding from angel investors or venture capitalists (VCs). Angel investors are typically high-net-worth individuals who provide capital in return for equity or convertible debt. VCs are firms that manage pooled funds from multiple investors. For these types of investors, a comprehensive financial model and an impactful pitch deck are indispensable. These tools help investors understand the potential return on investment and provide a snapshot of your business strategy, team, and market size.


In the era of digitization, crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Seedrs, Crowdcube, etc. have also become popular funding avenues. These methods require you to appeal directly to potential customers or small investors. Hence, a compelling pitch deck, accessible to a broader, non-specialist audience, becomes even more critical. Your financial model, too, should demonstrate a thorough understanding of costs and potential revenue streams.

Government Grants and Loans

For certain types of businesses, government grants and loans may be available. In this case, a solid financial model is crucial, often forming the basis of the grant application. The authorities awarding the grant would want to see a detailed and realistic financial model to demonstrate that their funds will be used effectively.

In conclusion, regardless of the financing route chosen, entrepreneurs must ensure they have a well-prepared pitch deck and a robust financial model. These tools don’t just help secure funding, they also act as guides, helping businesses navigate their financial journey with a clear and strategic approach. Remember, the goal is not just to secure funding, but to build a sustainable, profitable business.